It keeps playing in my head…the sound of the bang….the feeling….and everything…
I got woken up by it two hours ago and couldn't manage to fall back asleep…i am scared…i am really afraid…..I don't want to feel that anymore…
Thank god thank god thank god….that mum and i are fine….thank god that no one hit our car when it spun…I always say that i'm lucky…i really am…
Sometimes it makes no difference even when u are extra careful when u drive….there are always drivers out there who are not as considerate…or shitty weathers…or…i don't know..shitty roads..
I have been complaining about spending a lot on my laptop and camera lately…but i told myself..well 破财消灾 (such financial loss may turn out to be a blessing)…everything is gonna be fine…so i'm grateful now…more grateful then ever…for i have been through two similar accidents..and i'm still alive…
Well u know how people say that u would have flashbacks sometimes at situations like that? I don't..but for both times…i remember keep asking myself that what would happen next? when would the spinning stop?
i am so tired…i need to sleep….but i feel better staying awake…