Thursday, September 26, 2013

erm..the 9th week?

Ended up sitting on the floor of the lecture theatre as i woke up reallllllllllly late

Was craving for porridge due to sore throat. 
I always think of dad whenever I add egg to my porridge, because the first porridge that dad cooked for me had egg in it.  

Baked a mini nutella cake for sj's birthday as i only had nutella, flour and egg in the hostel :(
It tasted MEH. soo disappointed.

Went jolibee for ice cream. have always loved spontaneous outings!

I.JUST.HAD.TO.take a photo of this boiled egg for my sandwich :9

Learned about caring patient with water seal chamber for this week's skill.

Sil told me to watch this months ago and now i'm addicted to it. I've watched this movie for the 4th time already <3 how crazy. I want a sequeallllllll pllllleeeaasseee!

I have been torturing my stomach lately by stuffing myself with tones of junk food/rubbishes. Dear tummy, i am really sorry. 
I'm stressing out. 
I'm killing myself for not having enough sleep lately.
And also few days ago.
It lasted for few seconds.
I need sleep...i really need to sleep.

And i start to experience how it is like to have backpain.
Not sure if it's due to the clinical placement or my stupid door or showering too late at night.

1 comment :

  1. its showering late,after you shower your skin pores open allowing all the bad air to enter your body causing the flex pain


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